LaGoat bites

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Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Friday, September 08, 2006

Day of the Ugly Babies

Well this week has gone to crap. It has been filled with bad news, a horrible week at work, (I know that I should have a new job by now you don't have to say anything about it), and now THEY came.

It came form the womb. Or something like that, the day has been fill with horribly ugly, sickly looking babies. The kind that make you cringe, and turn around and walk the other way. I swear that their are more and more ugly babies every day and they all want to seek me out... to stare at me... with their beady eyes... and slimy hands.

UGHHH! Gross.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

It is finished

I have finally finished reading the 5th Harry Potter book. It was good, a bit of a drag for a while, but good none the less. It seam to take me for ever to finish a book, it helps even less that it takes me months and Crazy Cat Lady can do it in one night. Perhalps I should spend more time with cats... That might help... I think.
Anyways long story short I am not that creative when I am reading a book. So with that completed I am hoping to return to my one page a day writing regiment. Though their is yet another concern... I have started my WoW sucription back up. That game has a way of consuming people.
Well anyways I have to leave for work, Sorry that it has been so long since the last post I will try to do better in the future.