I borrowed a few Thor books from Ikyam the other day. Once I started reading them I just couldn't put them down.
They were both relay good. I am supposed to go out of town this week for work... Though they can't seam to get the days strait, I still don't have a clue when I have to meet at the store for departure, or even what store.
It's summer witch means three things in retail. First their are a lot of good looking girls out in the store, (not that any of them are cuter than Crazy cat lady, but they don't thou cats.) second, their are a lot of ugly babies out their, (Not that I have seen the Troll Baby again, but I must be ever vigilant.) and lastly it is almost time for Christmas. Yes, plans are now in the works for that loathsome basterdised holiday. (It once use to be fun)
Well that's all I got today, Merry Christmas everyone!